Event: ECNP 2022

Highlights do 1o dia do ECNP 2022 Luiz Dieckmann

Highlights ECNP 2022 - Dia 2 - Depressão e Ansiedade


Webinar 'Highlights del European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress (ECNP 2024)'

Session 1: From development to patient use: opportunities & challenges – Presentations

Emily Holmes: ''Understanding and working with intrusive memories after trauma'

Multigenerational legacies of trauma — Yael Danieli and Oleg Chaban

Golden hours in practice: lessons from war in Ukraine — Iryna Frankova, Ukraine

EnGenius Tech-Talk: EnGenius Cloud (Professional Feature) DEMO

Mass casualty trauma - changing perspective on post trauma from classic to pandemic - Arieh Y Shalev

Leadership behaviors in war and disasters — Joshua Morganstein and Natalia Roman

Morressier - We facilitate research

Novel drug targets and drugs for PTSD treatment. An RDoC perspective — Ulrike Schmidt

Barriers to psychedelic research

Перехід від війни до громадського життя. 'Hot Topics'. Проф Карл Кастро, Олена Нагорна

Mental health and support needs of Ukraine's displaced people one year later

Diversity and discrimination: holding back the Alzheimer’s disease fight

Intervention research in immunopsychiatry: state of the art and future goals

The effects of COVID-19 on patients with severe mental illness – 26 January 2023

Observational research in immunopsychiatry: state of the art and future goals

Maj Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków

Mechanistic research in immunopsychiatry: state of the art and future goals

NC CAST com Simone Rosatelli e Oscar Dutra - Highlights American College of Cardiology

Cosyne 2021 - Opening workshop: Paths for leadership in promoting the careers of scientists